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====== HDMI Vide o Switcher

Blackbird 4K HDMI Matrix Blackbird Manual

Web Gui connection from Tech iMac at each scanner: - BIAC6 - BIAC5

The video AND audio connections between the input ( computers, DVD, etc ) and output ( monitors, projector, TV, headphones ) at each scanner pass through a software-controllable video switching box. The box is located in the rack that contains the 2 stimulus control PC's in the scanner equipment room.

The video switching box only connects the audio/video signals. The keyboard and mouse devices on the console desk are connected directly to their respective computers and cannot be changed. This means you will probably find it hard to work if you connect monitor 1 to CPU 2 (or vice-versa) because the keyboards and mice will be linked to the wrong screens.

The monitors contain integrated speakers and there is an HDMI audio extraction device connected to the subject's headphones as input. This means that the audio signal to the subject is just another connection controlled by the switching software and the audio toggle switch no longer exists. If you send INPUT1 to OUTPUTA, both audio and video from the stimulus presentation computer are sent. So send audio/sound from the primary stimulus presentation computer to the console room and the subject, send INPUT1 to Left Screen, Projector and Headphones.

Currently the only ways to control the video switcher are:

  • through a web GUI from the iMac ( connect to at both scanners )
  • the small blackbird remote ( press the output you want to change, THEN the input you want to send )
  • the buttons on the switcher itself

To control the switcher from the web interface:

  • Click “Status” to show existing connections
  • Go to “Matrix” to get to the switching interface
  • each Output and their current Input will be shown
  • hover over the IN# to change which input will be sent
  • select the appropriate IN# to go to the output destination you are changing

The current connections at BIAC6 are:

Inputs Outputs
In1 : CPU1 Primary OutA : Left Screen
In2 : CPU1 Secondary OutB : Middle Screen
In3 : CPU2 OutC : Right Screen
In4 : Blu-Ray OutD : Projector
In5 : Extra Console Input OutE : Headphones
In6 : Eyelink OutF : 3D LCD
In7 : OutG : Secondary Headphone
In8 : OutH :

The current connections at BIAC5 are:

Inputs Outputs
In1 : CPU1 Primary OutA : Left Screen
In2 : CPU1 Secondary OutB : Middle Screen
In3 : CPU2 OutC : Right Screen
In4 : Blu-Ray OutD : Projector
In5 : Extra Console Input OutE : Headphones
In6 : OutF :
In7 : OutG :
In8 : OutH :

Labeled Graphic of input/outputs:

biac/experimentalcontrol/hdmi.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/21 15:44 by